Saturday, September 19, 2015

Plants That Help Clean the Air in your Home

Let your House Plants Clean the Air for You

House Plants

House plants help detoxify air in your home. (Photo Credits)

Almost everyone knows that trees help curb air pollution, but what most home owners do not realize is that trees – and even plants – can help clean the air, even in your own home.

Yes, there may be no smoke belching cars inside your living room, or a chimney emitting smoke directly on your child's nursery, but believe it or not toxins may abound in your living space.

No need to worry though because as shares there are plants that can help detoxify the air in your home. Indoor Air Quality Association

"Practically anything made from synthetic materials or chemicals is a potential source of indoor air pollution. Carpets, upholstery, paint, varnish, cleaning products, electronic equipment and many ordinary household items release traces of toxins. If the air is not sufficiently filtered, these can build up to hazardous levels. Fortunately, a number of indoor plants have the natural ability to detoxify air in the home. The air-filtering plants described herein are listed in the NASA Clean Air Study, which investigated ways to purify air in space stations."

Check out the list of plants here.

Clean Air in Six Hours

Website in fact mentioned six plants that can purify the air you breathe at home in six hours' time. Air Circulating in the home 

"Plants we grow in the home are not only deserving for more oxygen, but some of them have the ability to clean the air of toxins and mold, and therefore it is less likely to be inhaled by the residents, which is certainly great for health. After studying domestic plants NASA came to the conclusion. They found that some species filter the air and remove the organic compounds that evaporate better than others. Also, they filter the air from various building materials, dust, paint etc."

Check out the rest of the article here.

Related Fire, Water, and Mold Remediation Services

For those who do not have a green thumb, assures homeowners, that it is not hard to maintain these plants.

"You should also be sure to keep the foliage clean and dust free (so the leaves can do their job), and keep the top of soil clean and free of debris, as in some cases, that's where the bulk of the filtering is taking place."

Check out the rest of the article here.

What plants do you have at home?

The post Plants That Help Clean the Air in your Home appeared first on Mold Fixer.

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