Sunday, July 19, 2015

Your allergies may be triggered by molds, not pollen

Mold allergies may be causing your sniffles


Maybe it is not pollen. Photo Credits.

You may not know it but you or your family may already have developed mold allergies.

Media outfit WRCBTV reported that some people may mistake their allergies to be triggered by pollen when in fact it comes from mold spores in the house hence mold removal was not even taken into consideration. “In an average April, Chattanooga receives around four inches of rainfall. This April we’ve had more than twice that amount officially measured at Lovell Field. Cromie says you might not know you’re allergic to molds because the reactions to it are similar to those of pollens…It’s a simple skin test that can detect pollen and mold allergies, as well as some others. To reduce reactions to mold inside your home, Cromie recommends using a dehumidifier”

Read the rest of the article here.

Molds in, Pollen Out

Webmd enumerated 10 ways to keep mold allergies at bay. “If you’re allergic to mold, you may feel like you’re fighting a losing battle. Mold thrives in so many places, indoors and out. But you can take steps to limit your exposure. Pay attention to outdoor spore levels. When they’re high, don’t spend as much time outside. The National Allergy Bureau sends out email alerts to help you keep track.”

Read the 10 ways to minimize mold allergies here.

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CBS Pittsburgh meantime believes that the rains trigger mold allergies. In its website, the media outfit reported that when cases of pollen allergies subside, mold allergies peak.

“Some solutions include antihistamines, nasal sprays and avoiding the outdoors right after it rains, if possible.

Depending on how much rain we get, mold allergy symptoms may wax and wane through the summer and fall.

Once the first hard frost comes, the mold outdoors dies down, but you could still have some indoors.”

Watch the video and read the rest of the report here.

Have you been sneezing a lot lately?

The post Your allergies may be triggered by molds, not pollen appeared first on Mold Fixer.

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